
Scientific name: Mullus surmuletus
Nome comum: Salmonete; Salmonete-do-rolo
Common name: Surmullet; Striped red mullet
Classification: CHORDATA > ACTINOPTERYGII > Perciformes > Mullidae
Description: A small to medium-sized fish, oblong and moderately compressed, with a convex dorsal side and flattened ventral side. It is a goatfish, characterized by the presence of a pair of long sensory barbels on the chin. Two well separated dorsal fins; the first with spines; the second with a spine followed by soft rays. The caudal fin is forked. Reddish with brown edges on the scale margins; pink on the sides with three longitudinal yellow bands. First dorsal fin yellow with dark markings. However they are able to voluntarily alter their colour pattern.
Global Distribution: Eastern Atlantic from Norway to Senegal, including Madeira and the Canary Islands; also the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
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Size: Maximum length 40.0 cm (standard length); common length 25.0 cm (SL); maximum published weight 1.0 kg.
Age: Maximum reported age: 11 years.
Weight length rel.: Canary Islands (Pajuelo et al. 1997): both sexes: a=0.074, b=3.1826, r2=0.988 (n=1215); males: a=0.0128, b=2.99021, r2=0.989 (n=235); females: a=0.0074, b=3.1791, r2=0.961 (n=541).
Azores (Morato et al. 2001): both sexes: a=0.0069, b=3.219, r2=0.992 (n=1149); males: a=0.0125, b=3.002, r2=0.933 (n=90); females: a=0.0097, b=3.111, r2=0.974 (n=374).
Portugal, south coast (Santos et al. 2002): a=0.0079, b=3.158, r2=0.953 (n=955).
Portugal, west coast (Mendes et al. 2004): a=0.0062, b=3.218, r2=0.958 (n=230).
Spain, south-west coast (Torres et al. 2012): a=0.0054, b=3.282, r2=0.98 (n=466).
FishBase: Bayesian estimated length-weight: a=0.00832 (0.00745 - 0.00928), b=3.14 (3.11 - 3.17)
Growth type: Positive allometric (Santos et al. 2002; Mendes et al. 2004; Torres et al. 2012).
von Bertallanfy growth parameters: Canary Islands (Pajuelo et al. 1997): Males: L∞=29.19 cm, k=0.23 year-1, t0=-1.76 years (n=210, r2=0.94).
Females: L∞=36.93 cm, k=0.19 year-1, t0=-1.98 years (n=221, r2=0.98).
Total: L∞=35.71 cm, k=0.22 year-1, t0=-1.84 years (n=449, r2=0.98).
Reproduction: Spawning occurs from from February to May (peaking in March and April) in the Canary Islands, and in the summer in the North-Eastern Atlantic. Spawning seems to be related to temperature, with an optimum around 19-22ºC. Eggs and larvae are pelagic.
Maturity: FishBase: 16.1 cm, range 15 - 26 cm.
Canary Islands (Pajuelo et al. 1997): 16.6 cm (TL).
Mediterranean (Arslan & Ismen 2013): females 13.7 cm, males 13.2 cm.
Behavioural ecology: They can voluntary alter their colouration pattern. Often form small groups. Sometimes they will lie still on the substrate.
Population structure & migrations: Two stocks; one in the North-eastern Atlantic and another in the Mediterranean.
Depth range: FishBase: 5 - 409 m.
Habitat: Demersal. Adults occur on broken and rough grounds but also found over sand and soft bottoms at depths less than 100 m.
Feeding habits: Feeds on benthic organisms such as shrimps and amphipods, polychaetes, molluscs, and benthic fishes. They have a specialized pair of chemosensory barbels under the lower jaw which they use to stir and probe the substratum in search of hypobenthic prey.
Trophic level: FishBase: 3.4
Commercial interest: Commercial species.
Conservation status: Global: Not evaluated.
Europe: Data deficient.
Nutritional information & food safety:
Proximate composition per 100 g:
energy value: 153.0 kcal (7.6% DRV)
protein: 18.7 g (37.4% DRV)
fat: 4.5 - 10 g (6.4 - 14.8% DRV)
of which saturates: 3.812 g (19.1% DRV)
omega-3 (EPA+DHA): 1.204 g (recommended: 0.250 - 2.0 g daily)
Arslan, M., & Ä°ÅŸmen, A. (2013). Age, growth and reproduction of Mullus surmuletus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Saros Bay (Northern Aegean Sea). Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 19(2): 217-233.

Carpenter K.E., ed. (2002). The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Volume 3: Bony fishes part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), sea turtles and marine mammals. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes and American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Special Publication No. 5. FAO, Rome, pp. 1375-2127.

Direcção Regional de Pescas, Madeira.

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Morato T., Afonso P., Lourinho P., Barreiros J.P., Santos R.S., Nash R.D.M. (2001). Length–weight relationships for 21 coastal fish species of the Azores, north-eastern Atlantic. Fisheries Research, 50(3): 297-302.

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Pajuelo J.G., Lorenzo J.M., Ramos A.G., Méndez-Villamil M. (1997). Biology of the red mullet Mullus surmuletus (Mullidae) off the Canary Islands, central-east Atlantic. South African Journal of Marine Science, 18(1), 265-272.

Santos M.N., Gaspar M.B., Vasconcelos P., Monteiro C.C. (2002). Weight–length relationships for 50 selected fish species of the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Fisheries Research, 59(1): 289-295.

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Torres M.A., Ramos F., Sobrino I. (2012). Length–weight relationships of 76 fish species from the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain). Fisheries Research, 127: 171-175.

Vassilopoulou V., Papaconstantinou C., Christides G. (2001). Food segregation of sympatric Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus in the Aegean Sea. Israel Journal of Zoology, 47(3), 201-211.