
Scientific name: Muraena helena
Nome comum: Moreia-pintada; Moreia; Moreia-amarela
Common name: Mediterranean moray
Classification: CHORDATA > ACTINOPTERYGII > Anguilliformes > Muraenidae
Description: Body elongate, deep, compressed anteriorly. Head short, massive, with a convex dorsal profile. Colour variable, usually dark brown with intricate marbled yellow patterns.
Global Distribution: Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean.
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Size: Maximum length 150 cm (total length); common length 80.0 cm (TL). Maximum weight 6450 g.
Age: Maximum reported age 15 years. Estimated lifespan A0.95=38.1 years.
Weight length rel.: Madeira (Ferreira et al. 2008): a=0.00048 (0.00010 - 0.00229), b=3.322 (2.978 - 3.666), r2=0.948 (n=24).
Canary Islands (Jiménez et al. 2007): a=2.47x10-7, b=3.3141, r2=0.8876.
Growth type: Positive allometric.
von Bertallanfy growth parameters: Canary Islands (Jiménez et al. 2007): L∞1700 mm TL, k=0.078 year-1, t0=1.355 year (n=179, 490-1230 mm TL, r2=0.9054).
Reproduction: Appears to be gonochoristic. Reproduces in the warm season. Eggs 5 - 5.5 mm diameter. Leptocephali larvae.
Maturity: Canary Islands (Jiménez et al. 2007): Mean length at 50% maturity: 751 mm TL (7.1 years).
Behavioural ecology: A nocturnal, territorial species. Known to bite if provoked.
Population structure & migrations:
Depth range: FishBase: 15 - 50 m.
Canary Islands (González et al. 2000): up to 800 m depth; (Brito et al. 2002): 0 - 800, more common betweem 100 - 300 m.
Habitat: Reef-associated. Usually found lurking in holes, and writhing snakelike through crevices, under rocks or corals.
Feeding habits: A carnivorous species, feeding primarily on fishes, but also consuming crustaceans and cephalopods. It is an opportunistic predator. In the Mediterranean (Matić-Skoko et al. 2014), Phycis phycis was the dominant prey species.
Trophic level: FishBase: 4.2
Commercial interest: Commercial species.
Conservation status: Global: Not evaluated.
Europe: Least concern.
Nutritional information & food safety:
Brito A., Pascual P.J., Falcón J.M., Sancho A., González G. (2002). Peces de las islas Canarias. Catálogo comentado e ilustrado. Francisco Lemos Editor, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 418 pp.

Direcção Regional de Pescas, Madeira.

Ferreira S., Sousa R., Delgado J., Carvalho D., Chada T. (2008). Weight-length relationships for demersal fish species caught off the Madeira archipelago (eastern-central Atlantic). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 24: 93-95.

Froese R., Pauly D., editors (2011) .FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., (06/2014).

González J., Hernández C., Marrero P., Rapp E. (2000). Peces de Canarias: Guía Submarina (5th edition). Francisco Lemus Editor, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias, Spain, 235 pp.

Haddad Jr. V., Barreiros J.P. (2007). Animais Marinhos dos Açores: Perigosos e Venenosos. Blu edições, 60 pp.

Hureau J.-C., ed. (1984-1985). Fishes of the North-Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. UNESCO. Accessed through: Marine Species Identification Portal. World Wide Web electronic publication. (2014).

IUCN (2014). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1.

Jiménez S., Schönhuth S., Lozano I.J., González J.A., Sevilla R.G., Diez A., Bautista J.M. (2007). Morphological, ecological, and molecular analyses separate Muraena augusti from Muraena helena as a valid species. Copeia, 2007(1), 101-113.

Matić-Skoko S., Tutman P., Bojanić-Varezić D., Skaramuca D., Đikić D., Lisičić D., Skaramuca B. (2014). Food preferences of the Mediterranean moray eel, Muraena helena (Pisces: Muraenidae), in the southern Adriatic Sea. Marine Biology Research, 10(8): 807-815.

Nieto A., Ralph G.M., Comeros-Raynal M.T., Kemp J., García Criado M., Allen D.J., Dulvy N.K., Walls R.H.L., Russell B., Pollard D., García S., Craig M., Collette B.B., Pollom R., Biscoito M., Labbish Chao N., Abella A., Afonso P., Álvarez H., Carpenter K.E., Clò S., Cook R., Costa M.J., Delgado J., Dureuil M., Ellis J.R., Farrell E.D., Fernandes P., Florin A-B., Fordham S., Fowle, S., Gil de Sola L., Gil Herrera J., Goodpaster A., Harvey M., Heessen H., Herler J., Jung A., Karmovskaya E., Keskin C., Knudsen S.W., Kobyliansky S., Kovačić M., Lawson J.M., Lorance P., McCully Phillips S., Munroe T., Nedreaas K., Nielsen J., Papaconstantinou C., Polidoro B., Pollock C.M., Rijnsdorp A.D., Sayer C., Scott J., Serena F., Smith-Vaniz W.F., Soldo A., Stump E., Williams J.T. (2015). Europen Red List of Marine Fishes. IUCN and European Union, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 90 pp.