
Scientific name: Benthocometes robustus
Nome comum: N/A
Common name: N/A
Classification: CHORDATA > ACTINOPTERYGII > Ophidiiformes > Ophidiidae
Description: Head short and stubby. Relatively large eyes. Opercle with two posteriorly directed spines. Distinct lateral line. Colour pale grey.
Global Distribution: Eastern and Western Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
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Size: Maximum length 15.0 cm (total length).
Weight length rel.: Bayesian estimated length-weight: a=0.01000 (0.00244 - 0.04107), b=3.04 (2.81 - 3.27)
Growth type:
von Bertallanfy growth parameters:
Reproduction: Oviparous, with oval pelagic eggs floating in a gelatinous mass. Larvae epipelagic.
Behavioural ecology:
Population structure & migrations:
Depth range:
FishBase: 500 - 1000 m.
Madeira (DSIDP): detected at 250 m.
Canary Islands (Brito et al. 2002): 200 - 260 m.
Habitat: Bathydemersal.
Feeding habits:
Trophic level: FishBase: 3.1
Commercial interest: Not commercial. Detected in experimental fishing.
Conservation status: Global: Least concern.
Europe: Least concern.
Nutritional information & food safety:
Brito A., Pascual P.J., Falcón J.M., Sancho A., González G. (2002). Peces de las islas Canarias. Catálogo comentado e ilustrado. Francisco Lemos Editor, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 418 pp.

Direcção de Serviços de Investigação e Desenvolvimento da Pesca, Direcção Regional de Pescas, Madeira.

Froese R., Pauly D., editors (2011). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., (06/2014).

Hureau J.-C., ed. (1984-1985). Fishes of the North-Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. UNESCO. Accessed through: Marine Species Identification Portal. World Wide Web electronic publication. (2014).

IUCN (2014). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1.

Nielsen J.G., Cohen D.M., Markle D.F., Robins C.R. (1998). FAO species catalogue Vol. 18. Ophidiiform fishes of the world (Order Ophidiiformes). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of pearlfishes, cusk-eels, brotulas and other ophidiiform fishes known to date. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125, Vol. 18., FAO, Rome, 178pp.

Nieto A., Ralph G.M., Comeros-Raynal M.T., Kemp J., García Criado M., Allen D.J., Dulvy N.K., Walls R.H.L., Russell B., Pollard D., García S., Craig M., Collette B.B., Pollom R., Biscoito M., Labbish Chao N., Abella A., Afonso P., Álvarez H., Carpenter K.E., Clò S., Cook R., Costa M.J., Delgado J., Dureuil M., Ellis J.R., Farrell E.D., Fernandes P., Florin A-B., Fordham S., Fowle, S., Gil de Sola L., Gil Herrera J., Goodpaster A., Harvey M., Heessen H., Herler J., Jung A., Karmovskaya E., Keskin C., Knudsen S.W., Kobyliansky S., Kovačić M., Lawson J.M., Lorance P., McCully Phillips S., Munroe T., Nedreaas K., Nielsen J., Papaconstantinou C., Polidoro B., Pollock C.M., Rijnsdorp A.D., Sayer C., Scott J., Serena F., Smith-Vaniz W.F., Soldo A., Stump E., Williams J.T. (2015). Europen Red List of Marine Fishes. IUCN and European Union, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 90 pp.